Media Gallery
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Map of the T-2’s Transcontinental Flight
A map leading the way across the continent.
Map of the T-2’s Transcontinental Flight
A map leading the way across the continent.
Map of the T-2’s Transcontinental Flight
A map leading the way across the continent.
Map of the T-2’s Transcontinental Flight
A map leading the way across the continent.
Map of the T-2’s Transcontinental Flight
A map leading the way across the continent.
Map of the World Flight Route
The route of the World Flight reflected the legacy of World War I and a world primarily untouched by the airplane.
Medal from the City of Kushimoto, Japan (Back)
Delays in Alaska put the World Flight behind schedule, so they did not receive their medals, dated May 1924, until June 1.
Medal from the City of Kushimoto, Japan (Front)
Delays in Alaska put the World Flight behind schedule, so they did not receive their medals, dated May 1924, until June 1.
Menu from the Lindbergh Goodwill Tour Route
This menu is typical of the fare served at the 69 dinners Lindbergh attended during his tour of the United States.
No. 1A Autographic Kodak Jr. Camera
This camera was carried by Lowell Smith on the World Flight.