“We must be prepared for a forced landing in the North, where we would need warm bedding and clothes; and in the South, where we ought to have an insect-proof tent; and on the ocean, where we would need, in addition to food, plenty of fresh water. And we must not exceed our limited weight budget. Every object to be taken had to be weighed mentally as well as physically.”
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, North to the Orient
Sometimes the Lindberghs spent the night on the Tingmissartoq.
“Our equipment, neatly packed on the floor in layers according to degrees of softness, made a comfortable bed... First the oars; then, the tool-kit and spare parts of the engine, the cans of food, the bulky canvas bags of emergency equipment, the rubber boat, the tent roll, extra coils of rope; next, our parachute packs; then our blanket rolls of clothing; our two flying suits for a top mattress; and lastly the sleeping bag.”
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, North to the Orient